I was a student at Awahono School in Greymouth and this is where I shared my learning.
Monday, 17 December 2018
3 Fun facts About NZ
Here are three fun facts about NZ and this is for the Summer Learning Journey. This is the first activity one. Here is my one.
Thursday, 13 December 2018
Gold Mine
In Room 5 we made dioramas of how gold was found in Waiuta. Fred and I were buddies for it. It was hard to make the people and to make the background of it too but we did it in the end. I hope you like it.
Total Annihilation 5
Total Annihilation 5 we had some problem this making this one can you help with I ides?
Tuesday, 11 December 2018
Friday, 30 November 2018
My Reading Profile
My goals this term are one my reading profile. favourite book author, last terms reading goal, this terms reading goals, and our favourite book series. But this time it is a bit different so I do hope you like it
Tuesday, 13 November 2018
Pet day
Pet day 2018 my buddy was Blake and I. Blake and I brought one pet each but he brought a cat and I brought a dog. one think that we could a changes the end bit.
Wednesday, 31 October 2018
Last week we decorated chairs. We had to get some buddies for it and my ones were Blake, Fred and Angus. We had to talk about a theme and the whole group had to agree on it and my groups one was vehicles. We had to get some pictures on the theme and we stuck them on the chair and then we put the modpodge glue on it. It dries really fast too. Why did we do it? We did it because the chairs were just in the shed just sitting there. I think next time we should not have the shortage of trucks on it. Here is my groups chair.
Tuesday, 16 October 2018
my book
In the holdays we had to find a page in the book that we are reading at home. Also we had to put the page numder down too and the author down. Here is my one.
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
We were learning to make a collage to represent the pollution in our oceans. I worked decently with my buddy. It was a little bit hard to get the finished product because our group was the only one with two people in it. Next time I think we could have a little bit more help. Something we could have done better was do a better job at overlapping and filling in all the white spots we still have. I would next time like to have a buddy that helps a little bit more. I also think we could have added a little island with a beached whale or shark. I think that we should make the sea one colour next time. Also we could make the sand a bit better too by not having as much white. Next time we should not have as much white background too. Some of the animals are hard to see.
Wednesday, 5 September 2018
EL Gregoe 2018
El Gregoe came to Awahono School on the 4 of September 2018. What I liked about it was when El Gregoe put his hand through the mirror. We were learning about bullying like when you bully someone or you are getting bullied at school but we learned that you treat other people like you want to be treated. Well here are some pictures of El Gregoe and I hope you like them.
Friday, 31 August 2018
The Plastic Mountain
In room 5 we have been leaning to show don't tell and we are writing about plastic like the problem of it. Here are the thinks we need to use in it like feelings, sights, smells, sound, sensations. I hope you like my one.
When I go to the bridge to see all the plastic piles and big bags “Wow“ I say “that is more than ever.” I can see plastic all around. Also a plastic we all help as much as we can help the other people with this, and then try go over it goes crush and it gets really annoying. The smell is really bad it is rotting milk and there is big bags of plastic too.
Sometimes I get so mad at all the people like I hate them sometimes but why do I feel like this. But I try to fix the problem. I can see mostly lemonade dots like they have just not drank them and they just throw them out. My feet are getting really badly hurt the plastic is cuing when I walk from one side to the other side and sometimes I think that no ones certs about this problem. Also I can see a big shed that have plastic in them like full with it and that makes me the most mad of all. here is the link to it.
The Plastic Mountain
When I go to the bridge to see all the plastic piles and big bags “Wow“ I say “that is more than ever.” I can see plastic all around. Also a plastic we all help as much as we can help the other people with this, and then try go over it goes crush and it gets really annoying. The smell is really bad it is rotting milk and there is big bags of plastic too.
Sometimes I get so mad at all the people like I hate them sometimes but why do I feel like this. But I try to fix the problem. I can see mostly lemonade dots like they have just not drank them and they just throw them out. My feet are getting really badly hurt the plastic is cuing when I walk from one side to the other side and sometimes I think that no ones certs about this problem. Also I can see a big shed that have plastic in them like full with it and that makes me the most mad of all. here is the link to it.
In room 5 we have been learning about the different shapes. Blake and I are buddies for it. I liked this because it was fun and it was in maths too. It is a Screencastify. I hope you like it.
The Plastic Toy Shop
We are learning to describe the writing that we are making. Write about a plastic toy shop. Use wow words like sights, sounds, smells, feelings and some others ones. Here is my one and I hope you like it can you tell me if you like it.
The Plastic shop
As I walk into the plastic toy shop I see some cars that are all coulors like neon green and yellow and red too. I also see toy guns on the back of the shop hanging from little hooks in the wall. One of the guns is bright yellow and green like a big like some party blondas. The two people who are in the shop one of them are one a computer and you can hear the keys of it typing. I feel like I am drowning in the sea or ocean of plastic. I also see plans with blue and white. I can alone, I can see just one monkey. I can see hundreds of toys of like I can just see two minion. Most of the toys are yellow. The Doras are the bigest fin of all. They are just staring at me they look like they are looking at me and I feel like they are moving there heat too look at me!
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
Jenny Sommervell
Thursday, 9 August 2018
We are learning to do symmetry in room 5. Jackson and Jake and I were buddies for it. We had to fold paper in half and we had to cut it to make shapes like 3 sided shapes and 4 sided shapes and we made some more than 4 sided shapes too and he had to fold it and draw a line down the middle. The line of symmetry is a line down the middle of a shape, when is has been halved and folded. Here is my one, I really hope you like it. It was a bit of fun too.
Thursday, 2 August 2018
My Reading Profile,
In class we have been working on reading profiles. We had to make sure that we have a book that someone has recommend to us and some other things. Here is my profile.
Friday, 27 July 2018
Fraction Art
In room 5 we have been making fraction art. We were learning to use the fractions to make sea animals by using fractions like halves and quarters, sixteenths, eighths by folding a circle in half and folding it again and so on. The jellyfish has one half, 3 eighths and 6 sixteenths in it. Here is my one and I hope you like it. It was a lot of fun too!
Monday, 23 July 2018
holiday book
In the holiday we were reading a book that we had to make a Google Drawing.we had to dsrcid the setting. Here is my one.
Friday, 6 July 2018
Total Annihilation 4
Miro ,Deakyn and I made Total Annihilation 4. We just finished it too. We have 737 slides on it. It took 5 months to make. We now have 157 slides on Total Annihilation 5. Total Annihilation 5 will be coming soon!!
Friday, 15 June 2018
Picasso Portaits
In room 5 we are learning to draw a self portrait of yourself in the style of Picasso. He was a famous artist from Spain. Here is my portrait.
Friday, 1 June 2018
My Reading Profile
We are learning to make reading goals for reading. We have been making our reading profile for term two. In room 5 we are writing about the book that we are reading in class . The book I am reading is Beast Quest. Here is my reading profile.
Friday, 25 May 2018
Self Portrait
In room 5 we drew a self portrait that of ourselves. We are learning to draw the middle of the face and where the eyes fall, also where the other face parts fall. Here is my one.
Friday, 18 May 2018
Worm Farm
In room 5 we are learning about worm farms. Solly and Ryan, Miro and I made a slide show about worm farms and made a Screencastiy. Here is ours
Thursday, 17 May 2018
Paul Beavis
In room 5 we wrote writing about Paul Beavis. Paul Beavis came to the school on 11th of May. We did not get to ask him the questions that, Miro and I had. Here is our Google Drawing.
Wednesday, 9 May 2018
What is Blue?
In room 5 we are learning to write a poem about colours. Solly and I wrote a poem about blue. Here is ours.
What is Blue?
Blue is the sea
blue is the sky
blue is the colour,
of a blueberry pie.
Blue is solid
Swift as the wind
and the smell of
a penguin fin
And in winter when the snow
starts to fall
It is the feeling
of your ice cold hall
Blue is thick and cold as ice
blue becomes the strongest
colour in the rainbow.
Blue is the colour
of a diamond shining
Blue is the colour of distant mountains
Blue is fog blue is a lake
It’s the darkest pen in the box
Blue is the colour of the
skyscraper windows
the colour of a blue whale
Blue is the colour of a glowing lightsaber
Blue is an M&M
Blue is the power
of peacock feathers
Bubbles and moons are blue
Blue is the colour of a fresh picked berry,
from the wet rainforest
Blue is the colour of fresh paint drying
Tuesday, 8 May 2018
In room 5 we are learning about degrees and angles. Me and Solly made a angles indicator to make angles. We made a Screencstify to take about the different angles. Here is mine and Solly.
Monday, 30 April 2018
Descriptive Sentence
I room 5 we were told to make a Descriptive Sentence for the book we are reading at home. here is my one of them.
Saturday, 28 April 2018
My Reading Book at Home
In room 5 my teacher told us to make a book Review. My reading book at home is beast quest. here is my one.
Friday, 13 April 2018
My Book Review Arcta Beast Quest
In room 5 we wrote about the book we are reading in class. My book is Arcta Beast Quest. If you read the book tell me what you think of it.
Total Annihilation 3
In room 5 Miro and I have been making Total Annihilation 3. To move in the slide show use your bottom right arrow keys. Total Annihilation number 3 has 709 slides. Tell me what you think of it please.
Thursday, 12 April 2018
My Swimming 2018
In Room 5 we made a swimming slide show. We wrote about swimming. Here is my swimming reflection.
Friday, 6 April 2018
Hunting and Fishing
In room 5 we are learning to describe and do present tense. We were writing about the Hunting and Fishing Competition. Here is my writing.

Then I walk to see the fish. I see a trout with black dots with blood running down with a red stripe that is blood. The fish has hooks going through it. It has some writing and it says 8kg and we cannot see the other fish writing on them. The eyes are drooping down and staring at people.
Hunting and Fishing Competition in Ahaura domain was my funniest year because I got a spot prize but I did not stay as long I would like.It was fun too also it was not my first time there.
Hunting and Fishing
Walking to the Hunting and Fishing Competition in the domain I’m excited to see all the deer hooked on the Ahaura Transport truck. A tractor lifts them onto the truck and a person measures the antlers. Then people help the tractor to put the deer on the truck. The deer are set down on the hooks on the truck. Then I walk to see the fish. I see a trout with black dots with blood running down with a red stripe that is blood. The fish has hooks going through it. It has some writing and it says 8kg and we cannot see the other fish writing on them. The eyes are drooping down and staring at people.
Hunting and Fishing Competition in Ahaura domain was my funniest year because I got a spot prize but I did not stay as long I would like.It was fun too also it was not my first time there.
Friday, 23 March 2018
How to be a Successful Learner
We are learning to be a succesful learners in room 5. We made a slide each and we took a screen shot of our slide. Here is my one.
Friday, 16 March 2018
Swimming Race
We are learning to write a description of when we are swimming making it look like we are in the scene. We did our swimming writing on the Midland Line swimming races. This one is my one.
Splash! I dive into the clear blue water, and start swimming fast. The water is refreshing as I swing my arms and kick my legs as fast as I can.
As I turn my head to breathe water gets into my mouth. I spit it out the salty water and keep on going. My heart is pumping and I start to get tired but I do not give up. People are cheering us on. I try not to crash into the colorful lane ropes.Looking through my clear goggles I can see the water getting shallower. My feet hit the bottom as I reach the finish line. I feel proud because I came first.
I go and sit on the bench watching other people swimming. I feel puffed. I stand up and cheer other people on who are swimming. They are going faster and faster and suddenly... they hit their heads on the end of the pool. They have finished.
Friday, 9 March 2018
Friday, 2 March 2018
That was Summer
Room 5 made a poem about summer. We read an other poem about summer by Marci Ridlon. Here is my poem.
Remember that time
When you ran and you got tired
and fell down on the ground
you went in the pool and you jumped
in the pool and had fun
you went on camp
the grass was hot and dry
and you went home from camp
you were lazy and tired
and flopped on the ground?
Remember how you went and had fun?
That was summer.
Remember that time
When you went and jumped in the lake
in the warm sun
we went to get some ice cream
and in was so hot it melted all over you
you went skiing on the boat
and you fell off the ski
the boat driver was not going fast enough
had you ever done skiing before?
Remember how you fell off of the ski?
That was summer.
Remember that time
When you had Christmas with your
family and you had some presents
and you got so many presents you couldn’t open all of them
and you played with your cousins with two remote control tanks
and you wine it again and again
then the cousins stopped playing
and you played Clash of Clans
Have you ever played with two remote control tanks before?
That was summer.
Friday, 23 February 2018
My book review
We are learning to make a book review about the book you are reading in the classroom. Here is my book review.
Friday, 16 February 2018
Basketball Bounces in a Minute
We are learning to make a statistical investigation. Miro, Ryan and I made a DLO in maths about basketball bounces in a minute. We made a Google drawing for the DLO.
Total Annihilation 2
Miro and I made Total Annihilation 2. It has 301 slides in it and we are making number Total Annihilation 3. It will be coming soon.
Friday, 9 February 2018
Jumping For One Minute
In room 5 we are learning how to do a statistical investigation. We jumped on the spot for a one minute and then counted the number of jumps. We also made a stem and leaf graph and made a Google drawing too.
Friday, 2 February 2018
My Reading Profile
This is my Reading profile about Geronimo Stilton. I like the books and you can read them too. We made some Google Drawings and we could also have made some slide shows too.
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