Friday, 27 July 2018

Fraction Art

In room 5 we have been making fraction art.  We were learning to use the fractions to make  sea animals by using fractions like halves and quarters, sixteenths, eighths by folding  a circle  in half and folding it again and so on. The jellyfish has one half, 3 eighths and 6 sixteenths in it.  Here is my one and I hope you like it. It was a lot of fun too!


  1. Hi i'm Koda from room 2 at Kawakawa Primary School. I really like your art, it is AMAZING. It is very cool to hear that your learning about fractions.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you. :)

  4. HI my name is sauni and i’m from may road school. I was wondering if you ever made something out of clay? And WOW THAT really looks like a parana vs a parana. You should make some shipwrecks under the the piranhas. What are those spikes on the bottom? Blog you later.


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