The Plastic Mountain
When I go to the bridge to see all the plastic piles and big bags “Wow“ I say “that is more than ever.” I can see plastic all around. Also a plastic we all help as much as we can help the other people with this, and then try go over it goes crush and it gets really annoying. The smell is really bad it is rotting milk and there is big bags of plastic too.
Sometimes I get so mad at all the people like I hate them sometimes but why do I feel like this. But I try to fix the problem. I can see mostly lemonade dots like they have just not drank them and they just throw them out. My feet are getting really badly hurt the plastic is cuing when I walk from one side to the other side and sometimes I think that no ones certs about this problem. Also I can see a big shed that have plastic in them like full with it and that makes me the most mad of all. here is the link to it.