Wednesday, 31 October 2018


Last week we decorated chairs. We had to get some buddies for it and my ones were  Blake,  Fred and Angus. We  had to talk about a theme and the whole group had to agree on it and my  groups one was  vehicles. We had to get some pictures on the theme and we stuck them on the chair and  then we put the modpodge glue on it. It dries really fast too.  Why did we do it? We did it because the chairs were just in the shed just sitting there. I think next time we should not have the shortage of trucks on it.  Here is my groups chair.

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

my book

In the holdays we had to find a page in the book that we are reading at home. Also we had to put the page numder down too and the author down. Here is my one.