Thursday, 20 May 2021

All about me

 This is a thing we had to do in class today, I made this writing report all about me. Enjoy.

All About me

Hello my name is Tane today I will be doing a report all about me. I am going to have 3 paragraphs about me. First will be what  pets I have, next will be what I like  and last will be what I look like. I am also 12.

First of I have 2 dogs they are both huntaways they have black fur and brown under them and they both have blue or green eyes one is called Ness The other one is called Tobe. Ness is a girl and she is 18 human years old and 126 in dog years and Tobe is 2 human years old and he is 14 in dog we also have a cat called Buddy. He is so loud and he always wants food he has yellow green eyes and he loves to attack you all the time. I have a body called spoty he is 6.

What I like, I like playing games and running around outside and and making stuff I love fishing hunting and going on boats I like fish and chips my favourite fast food is burger king and kfc I like to play minecraft and world of Tanks on the Ps4 I love running around the sea and swimming at the sea and swimming pool I like jumping of nelson creek. 

What I look like, I have dark chocolate brown and I have a nose and 2 eyes, and the color of my 2 eyes are a bluey green and kind of hazel. I have 2 hands and 10 fingers. My skin color is hazel white with a bit of tan and I have semi long hair. I have some freckles. 

In conclusion this is all about me I have short  

Brown hair and am 12 years old. I like video games and running and have many pets and one sister.


Wednesday, 5 May 2021

My Favorite animal

 For our class work we had to make a thing about are favorite animal. 

  My Favorite  Animal is the buffalo

 because there is a lot of funny videos with them in it. Want to here’s a fun fact about the buffalo it weighs 900 to 1200 pounds. I am going to talk about 3 things what they eat what are there enemies and where they live.


What Do Buffalos Eat?

What do Buffalo eat will, they eat mainly grass and almost all small vegetation they like. Did I forget to say they are herbivores their favorite food is grass and herbs.

What are enemies of Buffalos

So the enemy of buffalos are Lions, Lions are some of the biggest enemies of the buffalos and sometimes buffalos fight back against the lions by using their horns. The lions wait for the buffalos at the watering hole they drink out of. Speaking of watering holes they also have another threat at the watering holes they are called crocodiles.

What are the migrations of the Buffalo?

So the migrations of the buffalo goes west and north. Why do they migrate, well they follow the green and most nutritious grass and weeds and herds in the area.

In conclusion my favorite animal is buffalo and I told you some facts why. What's your favorite animal?