Thursday, 13 June 2019

Fractured Fairy tale Little Red

In room 5 we have been doing things around fairy and we made some here is my one.


  1. Hello Tane!,
    I think your story is really cool and is enjoyable to read.
    Next time try checking your spelling or get a friend to check it and check your grammar and one more thing your punctuation.
    Keep writting good story's Tane.
    From Olivia in room five at Ahipara school

  2. Hi tane, im rollin. i like your story maybe you could add a bit more detail in the sentence's and maybe you could try make the story not to spoilt but other than that also check your spelling thanks

  3. Hi, Tane this is Vaughn from Owairaka. That was a really good post about Little Red Riding Hood. You should chek out my blog ( Blog ya later.

  4. Hi tane, my name is Isaiah in room 23 at Owairaka District school. I like your story maybe you could add a bit more detail in the sentence's and maybe you could try make a different story next time. My favorite part is when the wolf finds little red riding hood. But anywise you should check your spelling. You should check my blog out here's the link Blog you later

  5. Kia Ora, my name is Helen and I'm from Owairaka District School. I was really entertained by your blog post made about Little red Riding Hood. I really liked the way you added images for each story scenes. I think you could add a bit more words like screamed and frightened. I also think you must check your story next time if it makes sense. What is your favorite fairy tale? Thanks for sharing yo learning. Blog you later. Helen

  6. HI Tane grat job


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