Monday, 30 April 2018

Descriptive Sentence

I room 5 we were told to make a Descriptive Sentence for the book we are reading at home. here is my one of them.

Saturday, 28 April 2018

My Reading Book at Home

In room 5 my teacher told us to make a book Review.  My reading book at home is beast quest. here is my one.

Friday, 13 April 2018

My Book Review Arcta Beast Quest

In room 5 we wrote  about the book we are reading in class. My book is Arcta Beast Quest. If you  read the book tell me what you think of it. 

Total Annihilation 3

In room 5   Miro and I have been making Total Annihilation 3. To move in the slide show use your bottom right arrow keys.  Total Annihilation number 3 has 709 slides.  Tell me what you think of it please.

Thursday, 12 April 2018

My Swimming 2018

In Room 5 we made a swimming slide show. We wrote  about swimming. Here is my swimming reflection.

Friday, 6 April 2018

Hunting and Fishing

In room 5 we are learning to describe and do present tense. We were writing about the  Hunting and Fishing Competition. Here is my writing.

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Hunting and Fishing
Walking to the Hunting and Fishing Competition in the domain I’m excited to see all  the deer hooked on the Ahaura Transport truck. A tractor lifts them onto the truck and a person measures the antlers. Then  people help the tractor to put the deer on the truck. The deer are set down on the  hooks on the truck. 

Then I  walk  to see the fish. I see a trout with black dots with  blood running down  with a red stripe that is blood. The fish has hooks going through  it. It has some writing and it says 8kg and we cannot see the other fish writing  on them. The eyes  are drooping down and staring at people. 

Hunting and Fishing Competition  in Ahaura  domain  was my funniest year because I got a spot prize but I did not stay as long I would like.It was fun too also it was not my first time there.Image result for transparent deer