Monday, 17 December 2018

3 Fun facts About NZ

 Here are three fun  facts about NZ and this is for the Summer Learning Journey. This is the first activity one.  Here is my one.

Thursday, 13 December 2018

Gold Mine

In Room 5 we made dioramas of how gold was found in Waiuta.   Fred and I were buddies for it. It was hard to make the people and to make the background of it too but we did it in the end. I hope you like it. 

Total Annihilation 5

Total Annihilation 5 we had some problem this making this one can you help with I ides?

Tuesday, 11 December 2018


Room 5 went to  camp and it was Waiuta. Blake was me buddy and I we had a bit of fun at camp.